A student workshop, jointly organized by Yangzhou University(YZU) and Kyushu Institute of Technology(Kyutech), has been held 12th time. This year it was implemented virtually on 22 March, 2023 with 60 presenters participating in active exchange.
At the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Seiich Serikawa, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Kyutech reviewed the history of cooperation between two universities and remarked that 16 years of accumulated efforts by both universities made YZU as one of the important partner universities of Kyutech.
In the workshop, 17 Kyutech students had an opportunity to joined online language training and cultural experiences were conducted between YZU and Kyutech. Despite online implementation due to the impact of COVID-19, research presentations in wide-ranged fields, such as chemistry, materials, electrical and electronic engineering, information, and machinery, brought the participants to valuable time.

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