Twenty students from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from October 19th to November 1st, as a part of the Mobility Program arranged between Kyutech and UPM. The UPM students participated in variety of educational modules, coordinated by the Global Learning Support Division of Leaning and Teaching Center at Kyutech. A two-day workshop was held as a part of International Collaborative Learning (School of Liberal Arts), and the UPM students, together with twenty-two Kyutech students enrolled in Global Engineer (GE) Course, engaged in group projects on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
They also visited the Environmental Design Laboratory (Prof. Ito), the Computational Mechanics Laboratory (Prof. Akahoshi), CIR-KIT (Autonomous Robot Project, advisor Prof. Nishida), Kitakyushu Eco Town Project, Hiagari Sewage Treatment Plant and Water Plaza, and Yaskawa Electric Corporation to further understand SDGs from different perspectives. Participants were able to gain first-hand experiences and knowledge about Japanese cultures (people, society, technology etc.) and are now eager to share what they have learned through this program back in their university in order to strengthen the relationship between Kyutech and UPM.