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Kyutech-Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Moblitiy Program (Summer 2017)


 14 students from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from August 24th to September 5th, 2017, as a mobility program between Kyutech and UPM.

 Through the program students experienced several classes and laboratory tours by Kyutech professors. These include a lecture on Frequency Analyzing in the Image Processing by Assoc. Prof. Zhang (Factulty of Engineering), on Web Application Development by Assoc. Prof. Miura (Factulty of Engineering), a lecture and an experiment on Superconductivity by Prof. Otabe (Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering), and a lecture on Heat Transfer by Dr. Tranchant (Factulty of Engineering). During the laboratory tours, Assoc. Prof. Kitamura (Factulty of Engineering) held a short lecture on Laser Forming and Assist. Prof. Kim on Small Satellites.

Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Zhang

Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Miura

Lecture by Dr. Tranchant

Experiment on Superconductivity

Presentation on Laser Forming

Presentation on Small Satellites

 At Wakamatsu Campus, UPM students attended a lecture on Functional Peptide and Nanoparticles for Medical and Industrial Use and a lab tour by Assoc. Prof. Ikeno (Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering) as well as a group work with graduate students. They also had a chance to meet a Malaysian graduate students and ask questions about her study and life at Kyutech.

 Furthermore, students attended workshops on Sustainability offered by Learning & Teaching Center and visited Eco-town Center, Shabondama Soap Co., Ltd., and Nisssan Motor Kyushu, Inc. to learn about the latest technology and their commitments for environmental protection. Participants were also able to get to know about Japanese culture and Kyutech through Japanese classes as well as interaction with Japanese buddies.

Lecture on Functional Peptide and Nanoparticles

Japanese class

Workshop on Sustainability

Factory visit

Kokura activity with Kyutech buddies

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