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Kyutech joined Japan-China University Fair and Forum


Japan-China University Fair and Forum in CHINA 2017 was held in Shanghai and Hangzhou city of China from 13th to 15th of May. The forum is a big academic exchange event in which universities, research institutions and companies join from Japan and China. Around 70 universities, technical colleges and companies joined this 11th forum and Kyutech presented in the individual sessions with Chinese universities and a forum discussion on 13th and 14th May.

In the individual sessions, presidents and international affairs officers from both Japanese and Chinese universities had a chance to talk face to face, and Kyutech lively exchanged the information and ideas concerning the possibility of educational and research exchanges and industry-university collaboration with 6 Chinese universities and a company. And now Kyutech is considering the possibility of future exchange programs and collaborations.

And in the forum discussions, the participants shared their views through lectures and workshops on the common issues between Japan and China such as university management, human resource development. Kyutech President OIE presented as one of the panelists in the workshop on the theme of internationalization of university and global personnel development, and introduced Kyutech’s international joint research and GCE (Global Competency for Engineer) education.

President Dai Xin of Jilin Jianzhu University visited Kyutech booth at the individual session.

Kyutech also talked with its partner Northeastern University (From left: International affairs officer Wei Junxia and Prof. Yu Fuxiao of Northeastern University)

President OIE giving presentation at workshop

Participants and audiance at the workshops

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