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Commencement Ceremony for the year of 2016


On March 24 of 2017, Kyutech held the commencement ceremony for the academic year 2016 at Kitakyushu Soleil Hall nearby Tobata campus. 1,601 successful graduates including international students from 12 countries departed for their brand-new future.

Celebrated by parents and guardians, teachers and staffs, who had supported the students throughout their study at Kyutech, the graduates’ representatives from each school and major received their diplomas in the solemn atmosphere.

President Yuji OIE encouraged the graduates with his commencement speech showing his expectation that they will contribute to the society with their skillsets in order to protect and support the goodness of the diversity of the world.

Also see the Commencement Speech from the President

Commencement speech from President Oie

Graduates' representative receiving diploma

Thank you speech from undergraduates and master students representative

Thank you speech from representative of doctoral course students

Celebration by students male choir, symphonic orchestra and brass band

Enjoying photo sessions at the entrance

English signage for international students

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